Poted on Nori Yoaro

A couple of days ago, some rotary freaks from Belgium sent me an email asking for information about this Mazda Famila, with a photo taken by Ben from Japanese Nostalgic Car attached to it.

“Didn’t I already post a few pics of that car already?” I thought.

Sure enough, I’d posted about the Euro and American cars at the 2009 Time Machine Festival, and I’d definitely posted about the Fairladys that were there, as well as a put up a panorama photo of the meeting, but I’d completely forgotten to upload the rest of the photos I took!

So, here they are!

Yeah, I think I know why they were interested in it.

Honda S800 coupe.

L-series Kenmeri sedan.

I remember seeing a photo of this R100 looking exactly like this in a magazine several years ago.

It still has the original 10A…

…and the owner isn’t afraid to use it.

The Sunny “railway sleeper” front spoilers look pretty cool.

I’ll have to find out one day why almost every TE Corolla you see in Japan is wearing olive green paint.

Not that I’m complaining!

I’m having a late-night moment right now…is that a Renault? No actually an Isuzu Belett

Lancer EX2000 Turbo.

What’s a classic Japanese car show without Skylines? Choose your favourite. Race style…

…or street.

How about some 80’s Panasport love?

This guy had a massive turbo on this R31. It was at least as twice as fast as all the other cars on the front straight.


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